EE CM Wikia

Level Managing:

/getblockinfo (/gbi) Gets the block information from the one you click on. [Edit needed]

/list admins Returns you a specific list. Available lists: ban(s), admin(s), mute(s)

/ban [name] Bans a specific player.

/unban [name] Unbans a player from a world.

/list bans Lists the banned players.

/clear Clears the world.

/reset Resets all players.

/log Shows a log.

/texts [on/off] Allows or disallows putting texts in a world. [Admin rank]

/loadlevel Loads the level to the last save. Also, resets all players in the process.

/resize_this_world Re-sizes the world.

/db_save_experimental [on/off] Saves the world in a (up to) 10 times smaller database entry - Experimental [Owner rank]

/killroom Kills every player that is not in God mode.

/addadmin [name] Adds an admin.

/rmadmin [name] Removes a player from the list of admins. [Owner rank]
